If You Weren’t Afraid

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's been a while since my last post. Sorry about that guys, I guess I needed some time to retreat, regroup, and reconnect to my inner self. 2009 was a tough year for me and I'm almost sure I'm not alone in feeling that way. Now that 2010 is in full swing I think it's a good idea to start over with some fresh ideas.
So.. without further ado let's get right into it.

Most mornings I meditate. I may not go through the whole ritual of burning incense or sitting in lotus position while channeling my
"Inner Buddha" however... I do set aside time each day purely for mental relaxation. I'm saying all this to say while in deep thought today I've finally arrived at this month's topic and it is FEAR. That ugly four letter word that can make or break our dreams. To me to live with fear is far worse than any movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan or any monster concocted in the imaginative mind of Stephen King. To be afraid is to be captive of your own self created prison. But for whatever reason we all gladly accept our fate with not so much as a whimper of protest. And so the question I put before each of you today is
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Now, take about 10 minutes and really think about this question. I'll wait.... Kick your feet up and allow yourself to play "make believe" the way you did when you were six or seven. Think about the way you lived before you realized there was a possibility of your dreams not materializing. Imagine how you lived before you cared if your shoes matched, if you lost a tooth, or if your best friend was Republican or Democrat. What would you (really) do if you had no fear?

  • Would you quit your job as a jet setter and become a street performer?
  • Would you drive an Harley even though you live in a Eco-friendly neighborhood?
  • Would you approach that hot next door neighbor who has been giving you the eye all week?
  • Would you call an estranged relative and make a peaceful overture?
  • Would you tell someone you loved them?
  • Would you quit your job and start your own business?
  • Would you end a relationship that isn’t serving your highest good?
  • Would you have a child?
  • Would you ask for help?

Perhaps you'd get that tattoo.. or go skydiving?

What stops you from living the best possible life that you can live? I think it really boils down to fear. Fear that if we change we won't be accepted by our peers, family, or love ones. Fear that if we quit that cushy job at the law firm and we don't keep up appearances we'll be doomed to live in squalor. Fear of death, poverty, rejection, humiliation, or loneliness. The list goes on. So what then do we choose as a result of letting this fear rule our lives? Discontent? Restlessness? Let's not forget the constant "what ifs."

Most of it is not fear at all... it's just excuses. I'm sure you've all heard the saying that if you repeat a lie enough times you'll soon start to believe it yourself. Sometimes we talk ourselves out of our greatest destiny due to unrealistic appending doom which we're sure will certainly find us if we travel outside of our comfort zones. But if we don't test our limits then how would we know what we are fully capable of and whether or not it's what we truly want? Let's face it, success requires risk and sacrifice. Those are two major components that are more often than not accompanied by fear. What are you willing to do differently about your fears in 2010?

I plan to explore this topic even deeper but I'll stop here today. Ask yourself... what's stopping you and if it's fear challenge yourself to stare it right in the face and do it anyway. You can change your life.. it's your choice.

In the meantime.. Check out this poem by Marianne Williamson entitled
"Our Deepest Fear." No matter how many times I hear it, I still come away feeling inspired and re-energized. I hope it does the same for you. Until next time..

Let's elevate?

Credits: The Fear photo (pictured above) in this article was found through google here.
I'm not sure who created it. Youtube video by estari4life her page and videos can be found here.